The Four Stages

Collection Inspiration

According to Carl G. Jung, our psychological evolution is divided into four life stages.

Stage 1: The Athlete 
During this stage, we focus on our physical bodies and appearances.
 Stage 2: The Warrior 
We become infatuated with the desire to conquer the world. The objective is to feel accomplished.

black dress
Stage 3: The Statement 
We are immersed in the desire to create a legacy; we are keen on helping others and on making a difference in the world. 
Silk Jacket
Stage 4: The Spirit 
We become aware that we are not from this world and become the observer of life. 

This collection is inspired by Jung’s Four Life stages.

Designed for women who transition to each stage during the day. At night, while meditating, she becomes the observer of life. She remembers she is a SOUL who is not from this world

Dressing the context of your inner dialogue.